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Saturday 9 April 2011


When I published an article titled’ How To Enjoy Regular Income For Life-Ten Easy Steps’ via my blog on February 23,20011, I suddenly got a search keyword titled’ Quick Income BlogSpot’ sent by the Google Alert and Ping to my blog stats. And I was puzzled why readers wanted to search for information on quick income BlogSpot. I do not know it much especial offline business.
Though, I will try it because it is almost similar to offline business. But my advice to you, my online dear readers is that if you want quick income BlogSpot, you must learn online tools much by going to high internet market mentors and pay for coaches or spending your time reading about best information on instant income and follow its steps.
Now, I would like to share with you about it. But remember, making money blogspot quickly in a day is impossible. Why? Because you need to learn tools long. You need to master Adsense secrets; Affiliates secrets; design and font; heatmaps ; traffic secrets, etc. And once you follow principles and practice it patiently for a few months, then it is easy and possible for you to make fast income daily in less time.  It is impossible for any student to study hard subjects in a day and pass all their public exams tomorrow. There are types of online internet market tools you can apply here as follows:
1.     Passion
Find any passion you want to pursue because it helps you to know a lot by writing quickly daily or three times every week.
2.     Domain Niche Idea
 Find domain name or a business title that is relative to your passion and create its url address short because it makes online readers easy remember or memory it in 2 minutes for your blog. And you can use free blogger or paid cpanel blog to create for your blog title.
3.     Design for your blog
To attract advertising buyers from your space sales on your blog as well as traffic visitors, find beautiful and tempting design for your blog. Don’t find to design too much.
4.      New Posts
Before being accepted to participate in AdSense revenue for displaying ads on your blog / or website, add 2 or 3 new posts on your blog related to your passion or people’s hunger for daily in a week or twice or third a week. Why? Because you will suffer from AdSense revenue fluctuations if you place a post on your blog once a week daily.  Blog means update daily like a newspaper. And you must update it two or three times daily if you want Google host to help in driving the traffic to your blog daily and also increasing your ad revenue.
5.     RSS Advertising
Find any RSS advertising program that fits you and add it to your blog by   putting her code into your html blog because they will pay for what you promote.
6.     Text Link Ads
To making money selling link ads on your blog, add any Text Link ads programs on your blog. But some of them require enough traffic so that they can allow you to make money much from them by selling ad links your blog.
7.      Paid Sponsorships
To make money from a sponsorship program, add it by writing articles for free.
8.     Affiliate Programs and CPA Offer Programs
To get income daily for life, look for best affiliate programs (relating to your blog). I mean best percentage commission and then add it to your blog by posting hoplink on your blog daily. And if you want to make $ 100, 000 today, I recommend you CPA programs, but remember they required your affiliate market expert or experiences. And all you can do to get big money daily is to join an affiliate program. Most bloggers make extra money via this. Try it.
9.     Paid Comments
And whenever readers read your blog, and they leave their comments by posting a question or information on your blog, you will get paid for it. Try and see what happens by adding one paid comment program to your blog.
10.                        Blogging AdSense Revenue programs
There are many types of blogging AdSense revenue programs you can join and make money by blogging on any topic you are passion for, sharing your video, music, photo, etc like you do it on Facebook. And also you can make money from paid programs like,,, etc for writing, answer questions, chatting, etc.  And the more readers read your articles, the more you make money with it.
11.                         Promote Your Blog Daily
To increase your earnings daily, you must promote your blog as well as affiliate link daily. You should use good ping services, high forum, social media, and social networking sites to promote your blog daily.  And I want to tell you many more articles about income opportunities, but I limit it. I respect my mentor’s warning not to write too much.
Now remember to subscribe this RSS feeds before you make money.  And don’t forget to leave your comment here if you like to share your experience or question.

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